A.Titan Instruments | Combating Student Debt

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It is widely known that dental students today are facing issues that students in years past haven't had to contend with.  Two of the biggest issues include

  • Age of Retirement -  Seasoned dentists are pushing off retirement until well into the latter part of their 60's altering the associate opportunities available to dental graduates.
  • Staggering Student Debt - The amount of debt acquired by dental students over the past 15 years continues to escalate.

According to The American Dental Association, fewer than 10% of 65-year-old dentists can afford to retire. In fact, the average age of a retiring dentist as of 2016 statistics is 68.8 years old.  This has had a adverse effect on dental landscape for graduating dentists.  The number of associate opportunities available in traditional style practices has been shrinking, while the associate opportunities within the mid to large group sectors has expanded.  According to a study, DSOs own or control about 16% of all dental practices in the United States and will grow by about 15% annually over the next five years, with US penetration reaching 30% by 2021. 

In addition to the changing landscape forcing new graduates to navigate opportunities within both the traditional dental practice and the dental service organization, students have the added pressure of rising amount of debt associated with acquiring a degree in dentistry. According to a 2017 survey by the American Dental Education Association, the average graduating senior graduates with $287,331 in debt.  Furthermore, student debt has increased 4 times since the 1990's, 4 times, as the average debt incurred in 1990 was $55,000.  This ever growing debt makes it extremely difficult to choose one's desired career path.  More and more students and new grads are feeling inhibited from pursuing certain dental fields or advanced degrees due to what seems to be an unsurmountable amount of debt acquired.  

With student debt being on the minds of every graduating dentist, it seems almost impossible for residents or new graduates to purchases quality equipment and merchandise needed to perform at the highest level.  A Titan recognizes that having access to quality dental instruments and sutures is one of the keys to success, yet not readily available for use in the majority of dental programs through out the country.  In effort to help students and residents struggling with debt, A. Titan created a discount program offered to all students and residents throughout North America.  Each student/resident that signs up for the program will receive 50% off of all instrumentation and sutures up to one full year after graduation.  Opening an account is free and requires nothing other than the students name, address, and student ID. Once approved the the program provides unlimited access to special pricing for instrument and sutures right at ones fingertips through the A. Titan website. Click here and explore the program now to see how you can save!

Resident Discount Program