AAP Foundation
A. Titan is a proud corporate partner of the American Academy of Periodontology Foundation. The mission of the AAP is to improve the periodontal and general health of the public through increasing public and professional knowledge of periodontal diseases and their therapies, stimulating basic and clinical research to generate new knowledge, and enhancing educational programs at all levels to create opportunities in periodontal education and practice.
A. Titan supports the foundation through various donations and sponsored student events throughout the country. To become more involved with the foundation please visit the AAP Foundation website
Click here to view the Foundations AAP Foundation Annual Report distributed Oct 2018.

Advanced Implant Mentoring
Created for general dentists seeking to expand their practices into surgical and restorative areas of implant dentistry, Advanced Implant Mentoring (AIM) offers the unique opportunity to acquire or refine implant placement technique along with bone preparation procedures, atraumatic extraction of unsalvageable teeth and same day placement of implant screws concurrent with restorative temporization. Through structured course modules, you and your staff gain the hands-on experience required to offer your patients the finest in long-term tooth replacement. Access AIM course information to find out more on AIM.