Extraction Forceps Kit
Surgical (K4300)
The kit of 6 extraction forceps contains the following:
150+ Upper Universal Plus Series forceps with beveled and serrated beaks
151+ Lower Universal Plus Series forceps with beveled and serrated beaks
7990 Lower Universal X-Trac Forceps
3608 Lower Anterior X-Trac Forceps
210+ Universal Upper Molar Plus Series forceps has beveled and serrated beaks.
1+ Upper Anterior Plus Series forceps has beveled and serrated beaks.
Write Review
Omar Maktabi
This is a very well though out kit. Overall, the grip is excellent and the handles of the forceps are nice and light. It helps bigtime so your forearms don't get as tired with stubborn teeth. The 150+ and 151+ are very well suited for any tooth in their respective jaws, but are especially great for broken down teeth and roots after sectioning because of how the beaks are pointy. They fit into small areas! The 210+ is amazing for upper molars. The 7990 is amazing for lower molars. Of course, you have your 1+ for the occasional tricky upper incisors, but especially those stubborn upper canines. The 3608 is like your lower Ash. So, it works great for you lower premolars, canines, and incisors. An Oral Surgeon recommended this brand to me and I'm an Endodontist. It's nice to have good forceps as an Endodontist because we run into non-restorable carious or cracked teeth. Sometimes the patients just want those teeth out on the spot and don't want to wait to be reappointed elsewhere.
Yes, I would recommend this product.