Easy X-Trac Complete Kit
Surgical (K8100)
The Easy X-Trac System is used to perform a minimally invasive tooth extraction on single and double rooted teeth. The system allows for immediate implantation after extraction, and eliminates all rotary/pulling movements, post-traumatic swelling, and need for bone restoration.
Easy X-TRAC System Complete Kit Includes: XT101 Easy X-TRACTOR, XT110 (set of 3 drills), XT120 X-TRAC Ratchet, XT128 (set of 3 28mm screws), XT130 (set of 3 30mm screws), XT133 (set of 3 33mm screws), XT135 (set of 3 33mm screws, 2mm in diameter) XT140L (left side Protector Plate), XT140R (right side Protector Plate), and a Sterilization Cassette.
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Write Review
Bernard A. Melendez, DDS
Great product. I just extracted my first tooth today with the Easy X-Trac, #13 root with decay below the crest of the bone. Normally it would take a good 20-30 minutes to drill and wedge the root out as atraumatically as possible to preserve bone and place an immediate implant. The whole set up and extraction of the root only took about 5 minutes with no sign of buccal bone fracture. This kit was also the most economical I could find and a great value. I would definitely recommend buying.
Yes, I would recommend this product.