Easy X -Trac System
Surgical (K8000)
The Easy X-TRAC System is used to perform a minimally invasive extraction on single and double rooted teeth. The system allows for immediate implantation after extraction, and eliminates all rotary/pulling movements, post-traumatic swelling, and need for bone restoration.
Kit includes: XT101 Easy X-TRACTOR, XT110 (set of 3 drills), XT120 X-TRAC Ratchet, XT128 (set of 3 28mm screws with 1.75mm diameter), XT133 (set of 3 33mm screws with 1.75mm diameter), XT140L (left side Protector Plate), XT140R (right side Protector Plate), and a Sterilization Cassette.
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Write Review
I have practiced for 25 years in the Atlanta area and like many dentists, I have tried many products in hopes of making my practice more efficient. I'm a Mentor on the CEREC Doctors site as well as a CEREC trainer for the Patterson Dental Atlanta branch. Via the CERECDoctors site, Farhad Boltchi recommended the Easy X-Trac system and because I do so many implants, I thought I'd give it a try. Over the past month, I have used the device 12-15 times, each with 100% success. The ease of use of this product and the incredible efficiency and lack of trauma to the patient make this, without question, one of the best and most valued products I have ever purchased. It's design and craftsmanship are first class and I want to thank you for creating such a phenomenal product. I wish you all the best for this product's success and believe me, I will spread the word! Congrats and creating such a great product!
Yes, I would recommend this product.