Easy X-Trac Screws, 33mm, 3 Pack
Surgical (XT133)
Set of 3 Easy X-TRAC Screws measuring 33mm in length and 1.75mm in diameter are used with the Easy X-TRAC System to remove a root from the socket with no tissue damage or post-traumatic swelling. Keys to effectively using the screws are below:
Select the correct X-TRAC Screw
- Five sizes of the X-TRAC Screws are available. The 28mm, 30mm, 33mm, and 36mm all 1.75mm in diameter. A specially designed 33mm screw with a 2.0mm diameter Root Canal Screw can be ordered separately (XT 135).
- To ensure you pick the correct length, hold the X-TRAC Screw to the tooth. The reference point is the indent mark on the shaft of the X-TRAC Screw.
- Tip: Always use the highest point in the tooth row as a reference for the indent mark on the screw shaft!
Important! Check the length of the X-TRAC Screw very carefully!
Screw in the selected X-TRAC Screw
- After preparing the root canal with the 3 drills, screw in the selected X-TRAC Screw using only your finger tips until you feel a slight resistance and the screw is successfully started.
- Now use the X-TRAC Ratchet to complete the screwing process. Turn the X-TRAC Ratchet slowly and with control. Be sure to completely sink the threads of the screw all the way to the shoulder.
- Tip: Check the friction of the X-TRAC Screw after screwing in, to ensure a good hold!